How Hospitals Can Attract New Biomed Technicians

Biomedical tech repairing a circuit board for a medical device

Biomed departments are facing two dueling realities: large segments of their work force retiring, and the continued rise of software-enabled technology. Capturing the next wave of technical talent will determine if they sink or float. Are you prepared?

It’s Happening in a Hospital Near You

The digital transformation of every sector is leaving the business world desperate for technical talent. A recent survey of senior leaders across industries found that seven in 10 say finding and keeping top tech talent is a major business challenge.

In healthcare, technology increasingly drives modern care. Bedside medical equipment has increased 60 percent over the last 20 years. Hospitals need experienced and reliable BMETs and equipment engineering professionals to maintain, service and operate a growing inventory of equipment – and get ahead of some significant labor headwinds:

73 percent of companies are struggling to hire technical talent

The Next Generation of HTM Talent Brings New Expectations and Priorities

For hospitals, recruiting and retaining talented biomedical technicians will be a key driver of their future success. But biomedical tech talent is a complex and increasingly difficult “get.” Among the challenges, the current generational shift has Millennials and now Gen Z rapidly taking over the workforce, bringing new expectations and new priorities. Millennial and Gen Z technical talent can’t easily be swayed with just a higher salary. They want more — flexibility, independence and meaning, to name a few.

So, how are leading hospitals successfully attracting and retaining biomed techs? Check out our free infographic, “How to Attract New Biomed Tech Talent” to find out.

Or, visit our Resource Center to discover more insights.

View the Tech Talent Infographic

Originally published August 23, 2017, updated 10-14-2022

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