Price pressures from multiple directions are forcing hospitals to explore opportunities to more effectively manage costs and outcomes to attract patients and allow for growth.
As health system M&A activity continues at increasing rates and scale, implementing strategies to ensure a smooth and quick integration becomes ever important to the bottom line.
Many hospitals are investing in “extras” to make a good first impression with their patients. But these “extras” fail to address core issues that impact the patient experience.
The current flu season isn’t over yet but is already on record as the worst seen in nearly a decade. Here is a recap of the season so far and three key takeaways from the 2017-18 flu season.
Hospitals are merging at an accelerated rate. But M&A alone won’t guarantee success. Hospitals need a plan to smooth the integration process and show quick results.
The shifting healthcare landscape and changes in consumer behavior have helped make patient retention the foundation for hospital success. Is your hospital using innovative and cost-effective strategies to improve patient retention?
Discover tips for reducing equipment costs and supply chain waste in your hospital. Learn how your supply chain team can improve clinical outcomes and the overall patient experience.
Non-patient tasks are overburdening many nurses, yet nurses play a tremendous role in patient satisfaction. Discover how freeing up nurses can improve your hospital’s HCAHPS scores and increase revenue.
The high volume of flu cases in Australia, plus the recent catastrophic run of hurricanes and ongoing wildfires, could signal a tough season ahead for the U.S. Here are 3 tips on how hospitals can better prepare for the flu.
The U.S. Congress is focusing on the quality and safety standards of all medical device suppliers and service providers, not just the OEMs. How do you know your medical equipment rentals are safe and patient ready?
Healthcare is in flux. Many senior hospital leaders are looking for new ways to capitalize on change to improve top-line performance and fund growth initiatives. More often than not, those strategies are based on simple, economical practices.
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